We were delighted with some lovely coverage in local media of our open day held to welcome customers, investors, experts from the industry and the management team from Meath Enterprise board. In current climate it was an open day with a difference held over a couple of days in small groups.
The Pro Air 1500 was demonstrated by the Bridgeman team who were able to show all its unique features including the Flexi Vent system which divides waste in to three separate waste streams using air density separation.
Joe English, Head of Enterprise, Meath Economic and Enterprise Team, said, “From the first time I met Pearse, he had a plan and a roadmap for where he wanted to go with this product.”
“I really felt we could help him to make it by using the supports of the Local Enterprise Office at the different stages as he was developing the product and bringing it to the market.”
There followed a presentation from Pearse Mc Grath on the ability of Air density to add value to the end product and maximize profits on site. Customers from the recycling sectors were interested in the application of the machine to their various needs and further orders for Pro Air and Pro Vent were discussed.
The support and positive feedback over the demonstrations was unsurpassed.
This model of Pro Air has now departed for the USA to join the Ecosift range with Ecoverse USA.